S1 PP [V] – 2023 08 W0 (Sat 29/07 03:00 pm)

Facebook Group Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/896997681046527 (Please join the Facebook Group to watch the recorded video)

Zoom ID: 842 9231 7220, Passcode: 3055 (You must join the Zoom link at the scheduled time)
Zoom Direct Link (Please make sure that you have signed in to your Zoom account in your browser before clicking): https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84292317220?pwd=OTR5b3djcnpnbm5id2crb3F2Nm8xQT09

Please be reminded that students download the notes only when the notes are available.

Status of the new notes of this lesson: No new notes to download

Details: Join Zoom Meeting to attend the class

Please find the S1 PP [V] - 2023 08 W0.pdf from the notes download link.
Click here (Notes download link) to view the notes folder to download the new notes for this week if they are available. Click the same link to download the previous week's notes if there are no new notes for this week.

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Seah Mei Qun recommends STPM Mathematics tuition at Ai Tuition

KK Lee is a really great Form 6 Maths T teacher. I’ve always enjoy his tuition and it was always fun to learn from him. The way he teach is very direct and easy to understand. He also always show us how to memorise the formulas easily and teach us how to obtain the formula ourselves rather than just plain memorising like what school teacher does. Everytime after tuition, he would also spend sometime to help weaker students and i would also ask him some questions regarding maths T assignment. When the semester exam is nearing, he would also give extra tuitions free of charge to strengthen our basics. It is very nice to have him as a teacher.

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