STPM Term 3 Mathematics (M) is conducted by KK LEE. The teaching platform is via Facebook Live & Zoom. Students may choose one or both of the teaching platforms.

The duration of the weekly lesson of STPM Term 3 Mathematics (M) is 1 hour 45 minutes, 4 weekly lessons in a month following Ai Tuition Academic Calendar.

This course is currently closed

Details of the subject

  • Type: Weekly Normal Class
  • Month: 2022 05 (May 2022)
  • Subject Shortcode: S3 MM
  • Google Calendar: Share Link, iCal format
  • Duration of the month: 02/05/2022 to 05/06/2022
  • Every Friday 8.00 pm to 9.45 pm
  • For the Facebook Live teaching platform, a Facebook account is needed to join the Facebook Group. The teacher is doing the Facebook Live in the monthly Facebook Group. Students watch the Facebook Live at the scheduled time to attend the class. Students may watch the recorded live videos anytime when they miss the live classes. All recorded videos of STPM Term 3 Mathematics (M) will be deleted after the exam by Ai Tuition.
  • For the Zoom teaching platform, a registered Zoom account is needed. Teacher and students join a Zoom meeting, and the teacher teaches in the Zoom meeting. Recorded videos are not available for the Zoom session is not available. Students have to join the above Facebook Group to get the Facebook Live recorded videos.

Teaching Platform


Facebook Live

What People Saying:

Sir is a very good and experience teacher. He can give a very good explanation in the maths lesson so that his students can understand better.

Tan Muiyen

STPM Student, PTK

I feel that kklee math t class is very interesting and helpful. Besides that , tkleong’s bio and chem lesson for STPM term 1 is also quite good for me .

Elizabeth Yonicole

STPM Student, Ai Tuition